This is a small start-up founded by a guy who brilliantly figured out a sneaky way to give supplements to dogs without them knowing a thing about it. This product dissolves in the dog’s water bowl. It’s flavorless and odorless. And absorbed nine times more effectively than a pill.
The brand looks clean, modern, young, and “urban” in a category with more than it's fair share of tweeds and sensible shoes.
There was less than no money, of course. But K-10 needed a simple idea that would both describe the product and define the brand.
I created this program idea based on the retort that often follows an over-the-top sort of activity: “There must be something in the water”.
The idea focused on the water as K-10's point of difference. It required a whacky dog trick as a proxy for efficacy, it allowed the brand to appropriate the viral and topical, and it gave dog owners a way to participate.
In other words, the cheap and rough production became an expression of the idea, not the budget. We produced and shot six videos ourselves for $10,000, four of which are shown here.
The money went mostly to the dogs. We pretty much lived on their vitamins.
So far, the program has worked like a charm to sell-in the products - the full range of K-10 supplements is now available at Petco stores all across the country. Hurry, while supplies last!